The next forum of Young Mathematicians will take place from October 23rd to 25th 2019 at the Institut Henri Poincaré. This annual meeting, organised by the association Femmes et mathématiques with the support of the Mission pour la place de Femmes of CNRS and of the INSMI, has the goal to bring together young researchers and confirmed women mathematicians.
The theme for this year is Geometry and interactions, and the forum aims to present an overview of recent research in geometry and of its interactions with other branches of mathematics, pure and applied. There will be four plenary talks and a large time will be devoted to short talks by young mathematicians at the early stages of their careers. You find the program and abstracts of the talks here. Confirmed speakers are
Marie Albenque (LIX, École polytechnique)
Anda Degeratu (Universität Stuttgart)
Beatrice Pozzetti (Universität Heidelberg)
Alessandra Sarti (Université de Poitiers)
Here's the list of short talk selected by the scientifc committee.
Claire Brécheteau Pallavi Panda
Francesca Carrocci Alexandra Otiman
Laura Fedele Irene Pasquinelli
Valentina Franceschi Alessandra Pluda
Elsa Ghandour Chiara Rigoni
Yannick Herfray Viola Siconolfi
Liana Heuberger Anna Siffert
Anne Lonjou Polyxeni Spilioti
Lilia Mehidi Nicoletta Tardini
Diletta Martinelli Mélanie Theillière
Enrica Mazzon Caterina Valcu
All mathematicians are welcome !